Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wedding Veil!

I finally got around to making my veil for my upcoming wedding. It's really simple and small, but I am not all that into big long veils, so it's perfect for me!

Since we're doing a 1940's film noir theme, I went with a fascinator with a short birdcage veil. Here's how I did it:

First I cut a long strip of tulle about 9" wide and to be honest, I am not sure how long, probably about 40." I didn't end up needing all of that length, but I figured it would be easier to cut away at it rather than have to cut a whole new longer piece. I then gathered one side of the long part until I had a nice almost-circle, as shown here:

Next I took two strips of red silk dupioni and sewed them together to make a tube, like so:

I turned the raw edges inside of the tube, then tucked one side into the other to make a loop.

I then cut another strip of the silk about the same width of the first two, folded each side of it in so no raw edges showed, and wrapped it around the first loop of silk to make a bow.

Here's a shot of the underside (it ain't pretty, but it works! All I did was tie it in a knot, which turned out to be not only easy, but functional, as the additional fabric under the bow helped give it a teensy bit more oomph.)

I then fastened this bow to the center of my veiling with some hot glue and also hand stitched it in for extra support. Then I added a comb so it will actually stay on my head!

In the end this took about an hour, and that was mostly spent arranging things until they looked "right." Here are a few shots of how it turned out! I am pretty happy with it, and really proud of myself for actually stopping instead of going crazy and adding flowers and feathers and a bunch of other things to it. Sometimes simple is best, and since I am going to be rocking a vintage hair style, I want that to be the main focus.

1 comment:

  1. that is beautiful, siobhan! i've been trying to make birdcage veils lately myself. i pulled out my g-ma's hair accessories she gave me a while back and i've been fascinated with recreating some of them for weeks now. :)
